In order to send a SWIFT payment to DOMINICAN REPUBLIC it is highly recommended to meet the following recommendations:

Information provided by the Beneficiary: Remitter should obtain all required bank information from the Beneficiary (e.g., SWIFT BIC, account number, and beneficiary bank address). For additional information, please refer to

Payment Formatting Rules for DOP:
Ordering Customer (SWIFT MT103 F50): Include account number, full name (no initials), and address of the ordering customer. Use of initials can delay receipt of funds by the beneficiary.
Beneficiary Customer (SWIFT MT103 F59): Include account number, full name (no initials), address, and tax ID of the beneficiary customer. Use of initials may delay receipt of funds by the beneficiary. Tax ID must be included in the payment instructions. For institutions, include the tax ID card number (7 digits or more) or 'Registro Mercantil' (9 digits or more) assigned by the Chamber of Commerce. For individuals, include the 11-digit 'Cedula' or passport number.
Beneficiary Bank (SWIFT MT103 F57): Include SWIFT BIC with branch identifier (where required), full name, and address of the beneficiary bank. SWIFT BIC is 8 or 11 alphanumeric characters: xxxxDOxx or xxxxDOxxxxx.
Reason for Payment (SWIFT MT103 F70): Purpose of payment is recommended.

For the following financial institutions in DOMINICAN REPUBLIC you can find a list of their correspondent banks with the currencies and nostro accounts. Also you will find an instructions how to track the payments and other useful information which will help you to send/receive a SWIFT funds transfer or investigate a status of existing payment.

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